About Us

Our Mission: Unlocking the Gut-Brain Axis

Many people with unmet neurological and mental health needs are looking for effective options to support their health or the health of loved ones. At Bened Life, we believe that safe and effective microbiome solutions are part of the answer. Our pioneering psychobiotics science has allowed us to start unlocking the power of the gut-brain axis. Neuralli™ stands in the gap between supplements and pharmaceuticals, building on over 30 years of research and backed by over 12 clinical studies of our proprietary L. plantarum PS128 strain.

Our Story

“PS128 changed my life. I think without it, I would still be stuck in my room counting DVDs.”
- Isaiah

One mother’s self-advocacy was the spark that led our research team to study PS128’s neurological activity in human beings. This has resulted in 12 clinical studies on PS128’s role in supporting physical, mental, and neurological health, with focus areas such as autism and Parkinson’s Disease.

Our Values

We believe that different ways of seeing the world, experiencing the senses, and relating to others are richly valuable. If there’s anything we want you to take away from this page, it’s that we’re here to help make a world where neurodivergent and disabled people can thrive. With that, we promise to do the following:

Make decisions that don’t compromise on science, community, or sustainability

Strive for neuroinclusivity in everything we do by celebrating neurodiversity, highlighting invisible disabilities, and supporting people with under-served neurological conditions

Partner on community initiatives such as Make the Nevers Possible™ 

Follow the science and let the data speak for itself without forcing conclusions

Build an inclusive team that actively recruits from the communities we serve

Accountability is key. Bened Life is proud to have earned Sensory Inclusive™ Certification as an organization by KultureCity.

Bened Life

The word “bened” is derived from the Latin root “benedicere”, which means “blessed” or “full of blessings”. The Bened Life team comes from all walks of life, united by a common mission to advance science, improve health, and build a sensory inclusive world. One where we can thrive regardless of how we perceive or interact with the world. One where we can all truly live a “bened” life.