Bened Life Neuralli MP: PS128 is a probiotic add-on therapy for Parkinson's disease

What is Parkinson's disease?

Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder and the fastest growing in the world, with a current global incidence of 10 million and 90,000 being diagnosed in the US each year - a rate that is only consistently increasing.

PD is characterized by impaired motor control alongside other nonmotor symptoms. Common characteristics of PD include:

  • Difficultly in balance and coordination
  • Rigidity
  • Shaking or tremors
  • 'Poker face' (facial rigidity)

Contrary to popular belief, PD is not exclusively associated with old age, with young-onset Parkinson's disease (YOPD) - occuring as young as 40 years old - being increasingly common.

One very common early symptom for PD is constipation, which affects 90% of PD patients and occurs up to 10 years before the common motor characteristics start to manifest. This nonmotor symptom highlights the popular hypothesis that PD begins in the gut.

Bened Life Neuralli MP: Parkinson's disease may be caused by alteration of the gut-brain axis (GBA). Neurobiotics such as PS128 may help with these symptoms.

The Gut and Parkinson’s

Called the 'Second Brain' - having the second largest number of neurons besides our brain, our gut is connected to the brain via the Gut-Brain Axis (GBA). This is why we have “butterflies” in our stomach when we are nervous.

Unfortunately, gut issues such as constipation impact people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) on a daily basis. Low amounts of good bacteria have contributed to neurotransmitter imbalances, and unwanted symptoms. Patients with severe, later stages of PD may develop motor symptoms such as tremors and slowness of movements (bradykinesia).

Interestingly, research shows that treating the gut with Neurobiotics can help balance neurotransmitters, significantly improving the quality of life of those with PD.

Called the 'Second Brain' - having the second largest number of neurons besides our brain, our gut is connected to the brain via the Gut-Brain Axis (GBA). This is why we have “butterflies” in our stomach when we are nervous.

Unfortunately, gut issues such as constipation impact people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) on a daily basis. Low amounts of good bacteria have contributed to dopamine and serotonin imbalances, and unwanted symptoms. Patients with severe, later stages of PD may develop motor symptoms such as tremors and slowness of movements (bradykinesia).

Interestingly, research shows that treating the gut with Neurobiotics can help balance neurotransmitters such as dopamine, significantly improving the quality of life of those with PD.

Can probiotics help PD patients?

For PD patients, a medical probiotic that provides the missing microbes needed for signaling from the gut to the brain could result in clinically meaningful differences in their quality of life. Not all probiotics are the same, so a PD patient, with the supervision of a health care practitioner, could consider a probiotic that has been tested in PD and shown to produce benefits.

The gut and brain can influence each other through the activity of neurotransmitters. The core pathophysiology of PD is the death of neurons in the brain. Neurobiotics specifically appear to modulate the level of neurotransmitters.

Interestingly, Lactobacillus plantarum PS128, as of this writing, may be the only probiotic strain known to increase neurotransmitter activity in the brain, which is a critical factor in PD.

“Happier Gut, Healthier Mind.”

Bened Life Neuralli MP: Lactiplantibacillus plantarum PS128 is an all-natural neurobiotic strain isolated from fu-tsai that may help with Parkinson's disease symptoms.

The Neurobiotic - L. plantarum PS128

Probiotics are live microorganisms, which can tip the balance of the gut microbiome, and are known for providing health benefits. But neurobiotic strains like L. plantarum PS128 - naturally isolated from the fermented vegetable Fu-Tsai - go further, providing benefits for those with Parkinson's disease, Autism, ADHD, and Depression.

“Unlike pharmaceuticals merely overpowering our bodies’ functions, the fermented food-derived PS128 gently works with our microbiome.”

PS128 clinical data on PD patients

The efficacy of PS128 preclinical studies on PD was immediately proven in a recent clinical study. PD patients taking PS128 showed significant improvements in motor symptoms, including a prolonged ‘ON’ period and reduced ‘OFF’ period, and overall quality of life.

Bened Life Neuralli MP: PS128 is a clinically-studied strain of neurobiotic for Parkinson's disease.
Bened Life Neuralli MP: PS128 supplementation may improve UPDRS motor scores in the OFF state, ON state, and akinesia subscores by 11%, 14%, and 17% respectively.

When anti-Parkinsonian medications are working as intended, it is known as the 'ON' period. When the effect of the medication wears off, it is known as the 'OFF' period.

PD patients who took PS128 showed significant improvements in motor scores during both ON and OFF periods when compared to the baseline. In addition, taking PS128 lengthened the ON period and shortened the OFF period when compared to baseline.

Bened Life Neuralli MP: 12 weeks of PS128 supplementation may increase ON period and reduce OFF period compared to baseline. 68% of patients felt improvement in quality of life after PS128 supplementation according to PGI-C.

For more science information

Learn How PS128 can Help with Neurological Disorders

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Bened Life is a US brand aim to unlock the gut-brain axis through pharma-grade neurobiotics.

Bened Life

Derived from the Latin root “benedicere”, which means “blessed” or “full of blessings”, the Bened Life team comes from all walks of life, united by a common mission to advance science, improve health, and build a sensory inclusive world. And KultureCity, an NGO for neurodiverse people, has been a partner for our dream.

Bened Life is dedicated to promoting neurological and mental health with pharma-grade brain probiotics, backed by over 30 years of research experience, and clinical studies. With Neuralli, we are making meaningful impact on individuals and families globally.

“Let’s have a world where one can thrive regardless of how one perceives the world -
a world where we all can all truly live a bened life.”

Neuralli® MP


Each serving (2 caps.) of Neuralli MP contains 60 billion CFUs of PS128 - a specific amount one can’t get from eating food alone. Neuralli MP is a safe and nautral product - it does not contain any additives and is free of 14 common allergens. It is also considered as “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS) to consume.

Bened Life Neuralli MP is a medical probiotic product that contains 60 billion CFUs of L. plantarum PS128. It is specifically formulated for the dietary requirements of people with neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease (PD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention-deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), and major depressive disorder (MDD).

Modulate neurotransmitters

Reduce Anxiety

Significantly improve
neurological disorders

All About Neuralli MP

How do I use the pills as a powder?

Swallowing the pills is not the only way to take Neuralli MP - you can also use the contents of the capsules in powder form. Neuralli MP capsules can be twisted and then pulled open.

Open the capsules over the cold food or drink that you wish to mix it with so you don’t lose any of the powder. We do not recommend mixing Neuralli MP powder into hot foods or liquids, as it will decrease the potency of Neuralli MP.

Mix thoroughly and consume within a few minutes for best results.

“The first and leading gut-brain medical probiotic from the United States for ADHD,

Autism, Depression, and Parkinson’s.”

Neuralli MP can be taken as easy-to-swallow capsules or opened and mixed into cold liquids or foods.

Single - Neuralli MP

1 Bottle
60 capsules/bottle
One-time purchase
$ 160/bottle

$ 165.00

SAVE 15%

Twins - Neuralli MP

2 Bottles
60 capsules/bottle
One-time purchase
$ 140.25/bottle

$ 280.50

SAVE 21%

6-Pack - Neuralli MP

6 Bottles
60 capsules/bottle
One-time purchase
$ 135.00/bottle

$ 780.00

SAVE 24%

12-Pack - Neuralli MP

12 Bottles
60 capsules/bottle
One-time purchase
$ 125.00/bottle

$ 1500.00

Click HERE for more purchase options

*Important* MUST READ for New Zealand & Macao users

**VAT & custom duties not included, see checkout page for charges.
To see if Neuralli works for you, please consider 2-month trial or more.
Neuralli contains the unique neurologically active probiotic strain L. plantarum PS128.
PS128 was administered for 2 or more months in all but one clinical study**.

**In studies of people with neurological conditions.

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What People Say

Real reviews from real customers


I was using Neuralli as directed for 2+ months before I noticed my sleep and mood were both improving from baseline. I do feel it is helping those things. At this point in time I am on no PD medications so I don't know if my results would be more profound if I were.



I have parkinson's disease as began taking Neuralli about a year ago. After about 2 months I noticed the rigidity in my left arm improved greatly. My rigidity on my left side continued to improve enough for me to reduce my medication. Another positive side effect is improved energy.

M K.


It works! My Parkinson’s husband is sleeping better through the night and his mobility has improved

Nancy M.


I have a movement disorder known as Parkinson’s. I’m trying to use natural therapies and I have found Neuralli to be an awesome product. Since Dopamine is created in a healthy gut, this probiotic is making huge difference for me. I am sleeping well and my tremors are reduced. Neuralli has given me hope to stay as healthy as I can for as long as I can.


Jocelyn L.


In the two months I've been taking Neuralli it has helped me with a number of difficult Parkinson's symptoms and side effects of levodopa: 

Improved: dyskinesia, teeth grinding and jaw clenching, clumsiness, night sweats, constipation -sleep: for almost 2 years I woke up every 2 hours; most nights now I'm waking up only twice a night. On a very personal note, I've dreamed vividly my whole life and consistently remembered many dreams; while many people have very vivid dreams caused by both PD and levadopa, they do not remember their dreams. Since starting on the Neuralli I am remembering my dreams often. I love that my dream life is back in my conscious life.



I have been taking SP128 for almost three months. I am happy to say that I am thrilled with the results I am experiencing!! Unfortunately I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease 20 years ago. As a result, the last two decades have found me seeking help to find something and/or someone to assist me in slowing down the progression of this hideous disease. Then a few months ago, along comes SP128 and I see the first positive results in 20 years!!!!!!!!!! This probiotic has dragged me out of a deep depression that has been a chain around my neck for years. My limb tremors have slowed down a bit. It has also aided in “normalizing” my digestive system. These are but a few of the positive results I have experienced with SP128. I am hoping that they will continue!! Lorna Russell

Lorna R.


Since taking my husband who has Parkinson's has been able to reduce the amount of carbidoba-levidopa med for tremor and he has not experienced any REM sleep disorder episodes.



Although we read that this probiotic would take a month before noticing the effects, my Wife said she is noticing fewer Parkinson’s tremors after just two days, along with improvements in her digestion, sinus congestion and less arm and shoulder rigidity. She has Early Onset Parkinson’s and takes only small dosage Artane.

Terry L.


My husband, PD patient, has finished 30 days and says he feels a difference. Less brain fog, better digestion, more energy. So happy to hear and will be signing up for a subscription. Thank you!

E S.

What People Say

More Laughter

We are only two weeks in, but I have seen an improvement in my son’s mood. I hear more laughter than I did before. So I am sure we are headed in the right direction.

Jennifer F

Thank You!

At one month in I am amazed at the positive benefits my body seems to be getting.

Barbara A.

So Thankful to Find This

[My daughter] said she feels more even-keeled, more positive, better rested and less anxious. I am noticing a significant improvement in her ability to handle stress which would normally result in meltdowns. This probiotic really seems to be making a difference for her.

K. T.

Honestly Life Altering

Amazing product. It has improved my mood tremendously and allowed me to find more joy in each day. Highly recommend. Worth every penny.

Laura N

Did you know…?

What is Neuralli MP?

Neuralli MP, as its name suggests, is a medical probiotic specific to neurological and mental health. Neuralli MP’s active ingredient, L. plantarum PS128, is able to provide clinically meaningful improvements for people with neurological conditions such as PD. Neuralli MP is a medical probiotic because it is a medical food, which is intended for use under the supervision of a physician and provides dietary management for neurological conditions such as ASD, PD, MDD, and ADHD.

What are the ingredients in Neuralli MP?

Each serving (2 capsules) of Neuralli MP contains at least 60 billion CFU L. plantarum PS128. Other ingredients include microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, and silica. The vegetarian capsule is made of hypromellose.

Can my child take Neuralli MP? What is the dosage?

Children as young as 3 years of age have used 60 billion CFUs of PS128 per day in clinical studies. These children were under the supervision of physicians for their diagnosis of autism. Two capsules of Neuralli MP contain 60 billion CFUs of PS128.

Is Neuralli MP FDA approved?

The FDA approves drugs (or medicines). Neuralli MP is not a drug or medicine. It is a medical probiotic, which is a type of medical food.

L. plantarum PS128, derived from a fermented food, is affirmed as generally recognized as safe (GRAS).

What are the common side effects?

When taking Neuralli MP as directed (2 capsules containing 60 billion CFU of L. plantarum PS128), some people may experience mild gastrointestinal upset such as gas, bloating or stool changes for up to a week, just as when starting any new probiotic. In clinical studies of the PS128 probiotic with Autistic participants or patients with Parkinson’s disease, reports of adverse effects were very low. If side effects persist, we recommend consulting your health care provider.

How long will it take to notice results?

Noticeable results varies between individuals. 70% of people who took Neuralli MP for 2+ months improved their quality of life, based on 70 customer survey respondents. You may notice changes within the first week, or it may require 2 or more months to notice results, as evidenced by clinical studies of PS128.

Can I take Neuralli MP with other supplements or probiotics?

Neuralli MP can be taken with most other supplements or probiotics. Use caution when combining Neuralli MP with any other substance that affects levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin. Contact your health care provider if you have any concerns about interactions with other products you are taking or if you have any health conditions.

How should I store Neuralli MP? Does it need to be refrigerated?

To keep your products maximally effective, store them in their original CSP bottles in the refrigerator. Be sure to keep Neuralli MP in its original bottle to limit the exposure of the capsules to humidity; do not store the capsules in a different container. Do not expose Neuralli MP to high heat or direct sunlight.

If you travel with Neuralli MP, always keep it in a cool, dry place. Storing a bottle at a consistent room temperature for up to one month will not impact the efficacy of the product.

Can Neuralli MP travel under high temperature if products are shipped from the US to Asia?

Neuralli MP can travel up to 2 weeks at room temperature or a few days at up to 99 °F (37 °C) will not impact its potency significantly. Each capsule of Neuralli is packed with more than 30 billion CFUs to account for any loss that may occur during transport and storage.

Local market presence

While we currently do not maintain physical stores in SG, JP, PH, and HK, we are actively exploring options to bring our products closer to you.

Neuralli MP has undergone extensive research and clinical studies and holds various certifications to ensure its excellence. Before making a purchase, feel confident knowing that our products are supported by experts in the field. For further details regarding the science behind Neuralli MP, click here. Have questions? Our dedicated online customer service team is here to provide you with all the assistance you need, ensuring a seamless shopping experience from start to finish.

Customer care

Your satisfaction and well-being are our highest priorities. Should you encounter any issues or have any concerns, our dedicated customer service team is here to assist you every step of the way. Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] or, and we'll ensure your needs are addressed promptly and effectively. We are committed to delivering excellent service and aim to respond to all inquiries within three working days.

You can view more frequently asked questions here.

Further reading:

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