PS128 and Autism - Benefits of a Neurologically Active Probiotic

At Bened Life, we are proud to offer the world’s first gut-brain medical probiotic. Neuralli contains the unique probiotic strain L. plantarum PS128, which supports neurological health for people with ASD.
Our goal is not to “cure” autism, a goal that is neither possible nor admirable. Rather, Neuralli is intended to support neurodiverse people of all ages in living more comfortable, fulfilling lives being exactly who they are.
Neuralli has the potential to ease the physical stress of poor gut health and the psychological stress of coping with a world built for neurotypical people.
- “It treats me for overwhelming anxiety and obsessions by working inside my gut. The result is that the time not spent on those unwanted thoughts can be spent on things like happy times together with my cousins, time eating out with my family, and more college credits.” - Izzy
We love hearing the stories of people who have been helped by Neuralli. But what makes us feel even more confident about bringing this PS128-containing medical probiotic to the world is a firm backing in published, peer-reviewed clinical research.
Recently Bened Life chief science officer Dr. Ying-Chieh Tsai summarized the first three published clinical studies of PS128 with autistic people for an article in Autism Parenting Magazine. These studies show that the majority of people taking PS128 experienced some improvement in anxiety, attention, communication, and/or personal autonomy. Read the details about the benefits of PS128 for autism for yourself!
PS128 is backed by 12 human clinical studies, and counting. Neuralli is the only PS128 product on the market that is packaged for maximum potency and shipped to your door with the guaranteed clinical dose of PS128 in every capsule. Find out if works for you.
Recommended reading:
My Experience with Neuralli - A Neurodivergent Nurse Weighs In
Understanding Probiotics for Autistic People
Neurodivergent Eating - Developing a Healthy Relationship with Food
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